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  • Thereupon Sulayman Shah summoned the doctors and learned men and bade them teach his son writing and science and belle-lettres.

    The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night 2006

  • It was rhetoric (figures of speech, strategies of persuasion, excuses, etc.), not literature (poems, novels, belle-lettres, etc.), that was seen by the so-called deconstructors to be insinuated in peculiar ways even throughout legal texts.

    Poets and empire 2006

  • He happened to have his pigeon-hole in Boston, he was not rich, he liked to browse upon belle-lettres; why not teach English composition and literature at Harvard?

    Dan Miller: "Harvard, We Have a Problem" 1996

  • Page 128 chronology, belle-lettres, logic, and moral philosophy, will be $60 per session; music $25; painting and drawing $20.

    North Carolina Schools and Academies 1790-1840 A Documentary History Charles Lee 1915

  • The books, school classics, published by members of the Congregation range from the elementary reading and spelling books to manuals of belle-lettres, from language primers and the small catechism to literary criticism and apologetics, from arithmetic to the higher mathematics.

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner 1840-1916 1913

  • Being disgusted with theology, he gave in to the belle-lettres, which is very frequent in Italy, with those who have entered the career of prelacy.

    The Confessions of J J Rousseau Rousseau, Jean Jacques 1896

  • Thereupon Sulayman Shah summoned the doctors and learned men and bade them teach his son writing and science and belle-lettres.

    Arabian nights. English Anonymous 1855

  • She made considerable progress in belle-lettres; and then she acquainted herself, in a good degree, with the Latin tongue, evidence of which acquirements may be frequently observed in her poems.

    Memoir of Phillis Wheatley, a Native African and a Slave Benjamin Bussey 1834

  • She made considerable progress in belle-lettres; and then she acquainted herself, in a good degree, with the Latin tongue, evidence of which acquirements may be frequently observed in her poems.

    Memoir of Phillis Wheatley 1834

  • Being disgusted with theology, he gave in to the belle-lettres, which is very frequent in Italy, with those who have entered the career of prelacy.

    The Confessions of J. J. Rousseau — Complete Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1745


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