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  • Raised on the romance and rhetoric of the armed struggle against white rule, and seeing little change except rising unemployment and factional fighting since the reform process bergan two years ago, they have become increasingly impatient with those who advocate negotiations and non-violence.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1992

  • "A bronze disk found at Öland in Sweden represents two warriors in helmets with boars as their crests, and cheek-guards under; these are the hleór-bergan."

    Beowulf Robert Sharp 1879

  • Gering proposes hlēor-bergan = _cheek-protectors_; cf.

    Beowulf Robert Sharp 1879

  • "A bronze disk found at Öland in Sweden represents two warriors in helmets with boars as their crests, and cheek-guards under; these are the hlēor-bergan."

    Beowulf Robert Sharp 1879

  • Gering proposes hleór-bergan = _cheek-protectors_; cf.

    Beowulf Robert Sharp 1879

  • I can tell you the new issue canadian rucksack/bergan is bigger.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • I have no problem with this and have ran with 80+ lbs before, my own bergan and someone elses clansman man pack radio strapped to the top as he had jacked.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • I use normal kit, with the odd weight (small weights not ferk off dumb bells) wrapped in a towel and placed middlish of bergan.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • You will only end up carrying them all everywhere, and rocking gently too and fro sobbing softly as you sit on your bergan still packed with your jet boil whilst you cook your scoff on hexy - just like all the other Joes.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • Most African nations carry all their worldly possesions. (they don't have a bergan, just a trouser pocket.)

    Army Rumour Service 2010


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