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  • As to Obama, some people have enough smarts and natural talent to be successful at jobs that aren’t their bestfit.

    The Volokh Conspiracy » Kagan “Not a Natural Academic” 2010

  • As to Obama, some people have enough smarts and natural talent to be successful at jobs that aren’t their bestfit.

    The Volokh Conspiracy » Kagan “Not a Natural Academic” 2010

  • Identification of unburned particles, characterised by the absence of plant structures and distinct level of reflectance, was used to set the bestfit threshold level to secure identification of microcharcoal by image analysis (for more detailed description of the method see The concentration of microcharcoal surface area (CCsurf) is then calculated

    PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles Anne-Laure Daniau et al. 2010

  • Identification of unburned particles, characterised by the absence of plant structures and distinct level of reflectance, was used to set the bestfit threshold level to secure identification of microcharcoal by image analysis (for more detailed description of the method see The concentration of microcharcoal surface area (CCsurf) is then calculated

    PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles Anne-Laure Daniau et al. 2010

  • Identification of unburned particles, characterised by the absence of plant structures and distinct level of reflectance, was used to set the bestfit threshold level to secure identification of microcharcoal by image analysis (for more detailed description of the method see The concentration of microcharcoal surface area (CCsurf) is then calculated

    PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles Anne-Laure Daniau et al. 2010

  • Identification of unburned particles, characterised by the absence of plant structures and distinct level of reflectance, was used to set the bestfit threshold level to secure identification of microcharcoal by image analysis (for more detailed description of the method see The concentration of microcharcoal surface area (CCsurf) is then calculated

    PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles 2010


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