
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Resembling a bib or some aspect of one.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

bib +‎ -like


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  • Monocle attached to his mustached, Gene Hackmanesque face, the belt line of his heavy suit hovering just under his armpits, a short biblike necktie adding a little color, he begins, "Seriously, folks, there is no such thing as a good painting about nothing."

    A Radical's Work Grows Old--Not So Gracefully 2007

  • He wore a roman collar fitted to a biblike cloth called a rabat and over this a dark jacket with pocket square and he could have been George the Waiter’s tailored master in black and white.

    Underworld Don Delillo 2008

  • He wore a roman collar fitted to a biblike cloth called a rabat and over this a dark jacket with pocket square and he could have been George the Waiter’s tailored master in black and white.

    Underworld Don Delillo 2008

  • He wore a roman collar fitted to a biblike cloth called a rabat and over this a dark jacket with pocket square and he could have been George the Waiter’s tailored master in black and white.

    Underworld Don Delillo 2008


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