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  • We had just seen Michelle Obama's speech and bioflick on TV.

    Howard Wolinsky: David Axelrod: A Tale of Two Firms 2008

  • During her acceptance speech at a Metro Filmfest awards night where her bioflick, directed by her late father Temyong Marquez, won an award.

    Melanie Marquez jokes Arlene 2005

  • During her acceptance speech at a Metro Filmfest awards night where her bioflick, directed by her late father Temyong Marquez, won an award.

    Archive 2005-08-01 Arlene 2005

  • One of the final acts in this no-dissent, no-distractions unreality show is a bioflick of the candidate's life put together by an Oscar-winning film director.

    CNN Transcript Jul 29, 2004 2004


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