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  • Priestly Young had moved to a rear car to bird-watch, and the Parker baby also survived, even though—or perhaps because—its chaperone did not.

    The King's Best Highway Eric Jaffe 2010

  • Priestly Young had moved to a rear car to bird-watch, and the Parker baby also survived, even though—or perhaps because—its chaperone did not.

    The King's Best Highway Eric Jaffe 2010

  • Guests can trek over the Highlands, go salmon and trout fishing or bird-watch, then get warmed up over a traditional peat fire.

    The World's Most Remote Hotels 2010

  • Priestly Young had moved to a rear car to bird-watch, and the Parker baby also survived, even though—or perhaps because—its chaperone did not.

    The King's Best Highway Eric Jaffe 2010

  • Guests can trek over the Highlands, go salmon and trout fishing or bird-watch, then get warmed up over a traditional peat fire.

    The World's Most Remote Hotels 2010

  • I dream of being able to bird-watch without wanting to take notes.

    A Year on the Wing TIM DEE 2009

  • At New Mexico's Festival of the Cranes you can party and bird-watch (friends ofthebosque. org/crane).

    Outdoors: Better In The Bush! 2008

  • Just get your indoor kitty a cat tree (kitty condo) or a scratching post and put it near the window so that he can bird-watch.

    Useful Tips On Caring For Your New Cat Or Kitten 2007

  • Yes, one can bird-watch in Chicago, but how wonderful that the birds — so many, many of them! — come to our simple bird feeder in the backyard.

    Tracking M-mv 2005

  • Yes, one can bird-watch in Chicago, but how wonderful that the birds — so many, many of them! — come to our simple bird feeder in the backyard.

    Archive 2004-08-01 M-mv 2004


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