
from The Century Dictionary.

  • In a blooming manner.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • adverb In a blooming manner.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adverb In a blooming manner.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

blooming +‎ -ly


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  • This trip across the lake was the first real concession the little minx had made-and how "bloomingly" he

    Our Nervous Friends — Illustrating the Mastery of Nervousness Robert S. Carroll

  • On Viola's fair round neck the Carew corals lay bloomingly; her beautiful arms were clasped with them; a great coral brooch with wonderful carving confined a graceful fold of the taupe over one hip, a coral comb surmounted the shining waves of Viola's hair.

    The Copy-Cat, & Other Stories 1910

  • Not to have it so is an error, but the error is an inoffensive one easily corrected and the merit is that the dwelling's business path is greenly, bloomingly screened from its pleasure-ground by a lovely natural drapery which at the same time furnishes, as far as the path goes, the house's robes of modesty.

    The Amateur Garden George Washington Cable 1884

  • Tall, strong, bloomingly healthy, he took the lead of his companions on land and water, and had more than one bondsman in his service besides Ripton Thompson -- the boy without a

    Ordeal of Richard Feverel — Volume 2 George Meredith 1868

  • Tall, strong, bloomingly healthy, he took the lead of his companions on land and water, and had more than one bondsman in his service besides Ripton Thompson -- the boy without

    Ordeal of Richard Feverel — Complete George Meredith 1868

  • Tall, strong, bloomingly healthy, he took the lead of his companions on land and water, and had more than one bondsman in his service besides Ripton Thompson -- the boy without a

    Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith George Meredith 1868

  • Page 293 roses, associated with the remembrances of her early love, rose bloomingly before her, -- then she recollected her desolate widowhood, and burst into an agony of tears.

    The Planter's Northern Bride 1854

  • To state the bloomingly, bleedingly obvious, a domino effect of collapsing banks, triggered by their inability to borrow because of creditors' fears that the banks could not withstand sovereign defaults, would be the kind of Armageddon that would obviously be better averted.

    BBC News - Home 2011

  • Then there is the issue of bloomingly expensive bouquets.

    TODAYonline 2010

  • Then there is the issue of bloomingly expensive bouquets.

    TODAYonline 2010


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