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  • Giving out that he felt very unwell after the round of gaieties, he basely deserted, got into the most uncomfortable train in the world and, two days later, threw himself on the hospitality of the landlord of the bosker hotel at Cook's Wall, entirely omitting to let Marcella know that he was coming.

    Captivity M. Leonora Eyles 1924

  • Cook's Wall had built his "bosker hotel" at last, and had made it a store at which one could buy fruit, jam, sugar and various luxuries.

    Captivity M. Leonora Eyles 1924

  • "I'm running up a bosker hotel soon's I can get a bit of weather-boarding and a few nails along," he said hopefully.

    Captivity M. Leonora Eyles 1924

  • "Wouldn't it be just bosker if one of them fell on his old nut," and going out he returned with a pair of orange clippers.

    Some Everyday Folk and Dawn Miles Franklin 1916

  • "Ain't he a bosker?" enthusiastically commented Andrew, coming in to see what I had thought of this doctor, who was the idol of Noonoon.

    Some Everyday Folk and Dawn Miles Franklin 1916

  • Bonzer, boshter, bosker -- Adjectives expressing the superlative of excellence.

    The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke 1907

  • So if you want to get the strength of what we've been saying and have a bosker hard read slip out one arvo and lamb down some of your oscar for the revised Pocket Oxford (18s.), the first new edition since 1942.

    VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VI No 3 1984

  • Why, ain't he a bosker! "he enthusiastically exclaimed, as the hideously unprepossessing little mongrel stood on his hind legs and yelped in excited begging.

    Some Everyday Folk and Dawn Miles Franklin 1916


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