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  • As our line steadied the gunfire rose to a new crescendo; we were crouching down as the shot whined above us, and suddenly there was an appalling smash, a chorus of shrieks, and I found myself sodden with blood, staring in horror at two legs and half a body thrashing feebly on the deck in front of me, where an instant before a seaman had been ramming shot into the bow-chaser.

    Flashman's Lady Fraser, George MacDonald, 1925- 1977

  • There was a frantic five minutes while we backed water in the space between the broken sides of the boom, Brooke and the bow-chaser crew spraying grape ahead of us, and the rest of us banging away at anything that looked like a hostile shape, either on the boom itself or in the canoes beyond.

    Flashman's Lady Fraser, George MacDonald, 1925- 1977

  • I plunged after Brooke, stumbling over the cursing, cheering men who squatted on the deck, and fetched up beside him near the bow-chaser, where he was trying to make himself heard above the din, and pointing ahead.

    Flashman's Lady Fraser, George MacDonald, 1925- 1977

  • They could see, under her sails, the low black hull pitching up and down; and, approaching within range, one of the forecastle guns was cleared away for a bow-chaser.

    Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 55, No. 342, April, 1844 Various

  • In order to convince them of the error of this, however, and to punish them for their treachery of the morning, Hartog ordered our brass bow-chaser to be loaded with grape, and fired amongst them, which caused great consternation, and sent them back to their woods howling in terror, taking their dead and wounded with them.

    Adventures in Southern Seas A Tale of the Sixteenth Century George Forbes

  • She carried six guns, and a brass bow-chaser, with which Hartog declared we might make war upon the whole South Pacific in the event of our being forced to hostilities.

    Adventures in Southern Seas A Tale of the Sixteenth Century George Forbes

  • He had a section of the deck forward of the capstan reinforced stoutly to bear the weight of a bow-chaser, on which he placed some dependence in case of a running fight.

    The Black Buccaneer 1934

  • "Trying the distance with a bow-chaser," said the old man imperturbably.

    The Gentleman A Romance of the Sea Alfred Ollivant 1900

  • Bang! went the pirate's bow-chaser, and crashed into the _Agra's_ side, and passed nearly through her.

    Great Sea Stories Various 1897

  • He then put his helm up, and fired his other bow-chaser, and sent the shot hissing and skipping on the water past the ship.

    Great Sea Stories Various 1897


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