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  • Mild bowleggedness is common in most kids and resolves itself.

    You Raising Your Child Michael F. Roizen 2010

  • Mild bowleggedness is common in most kids and resolves itself.

    You Raising Your Child Michael F. Roizen 2010

  • Mild bowleggedness is common in most kids and resolves itself.

    You Raising Your Child Michael F. Roizen 2010

  • Mild bowleggedness is common in most kids and resolves itself.

    You Raising Your Child Michael F. Roizen 2010

  • And then my father began to bring home friends—large, pomaded men from the garage suffering from various degrees of bowleggedness.

    The Mother Garden Robin Romm 2007

  • And then my father began to bring home friends—large, pomaded men from the garage suffering from various degrees of bowleggedness.

    The Mother Garden Robin Romm 2007

  • Rickets: Extreme bowleggedness caused by a body’s resistance to vitamin D or prolonged insufficient intake of vitamin D3.

    You Raising Your Child Michael F. Roizen 2010

  • Rickets: Extreme bowleggedness caused by a body’s resistance to vitamin D or prolonged insufficient intake of vitamin D3.

    You Raising Your Child Michael F. Roizen 2010

  • Rickets: Extreme bowleggedness caused by a body’s resistance to vitamin D or prolonged insufficient intake of vitamin D3.

    You Raising Your Child Michael F. Roizen 2010

  • Rickets: Extreme bowleggedness caused by a body’s resistance to vitamin D or prolonged insufficient intake of vitamin D3.

    You Raising Your Child Michael F. Roizen 2010


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