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  • It all would have been very heroic and poetical if the shorter man had not reached up under his tunic and pteruges, undone his bracae, and taken a long, reflective pee in the direction of Orkney.

    Smart Dragons, Foolish Elves Foster, Alan Dean, 1946- 1991

  • "After you was the one as scared the bracae off me, sneaking up and chunking that whopping great standard into the sod like you was trying to spit me foot with it?"

    Smart Dragons, Foolish Elves Foster, Alan Dean, 1946- 1991

  • "After you was the one as scared the bracae off me, sneaking up and chunking that whopping great standard into the sod like you was trying to spit me foot with it?"

    Smart Dragons, Foolish Elves Foster, Alan Dean, 1946- 1991

  • It all would have been very heroic and poetical if the shorter man had not reached up under his tunic and pteruges, undone his bracae, and taken a long, reflective pee in the direction of Orkney.

    Smart Dragons, Foolish Elves Foster, Alan Dean, 1946- 1991

  • All three were dressed in the draped yellow toga after the Latin fashion, instead of in the bracae and tunic which distinguished their more insular fellow-countrymen.

    The Last Galley Impressions and Tales Arthur Conan Doyle 1894


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