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  • I would brighten my day if I could spend breakfasttime with my foot up Freud's arse.

    Rant on Evolutionary Psych: A Preview JLK 2009

  • "Lizzie-Carrie -- one of you girls take some sweet-peas up to my room," Ella would say at breakfasttime, hardly glancing up from her mail.

    Saturday's Child Kathleen Thompson Norris 1923

  • By breakfasttime he had devoured the whole of the Prince's treasures, and when the Prince came along the street at about eleven, he met the dragon coming out of the broken door of the Treasury, with molten gold still dripping from his jaws.

    The Book of Dragons H. Granville [Illustrator] Fell 1891

  • The GFS model valid around breakfasttime next Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, shows an area of low pressure over the Great Lakes, a shield of "wrap-around" snow across much of Wisconsin and rss feed 2010

  • A couple times I've gone with him to the bar where he hangs out with friends from work after their shift is done on Fridays (which is at my breakfasttime, since he works nights), and they bring food to share and do karaoke.

    WORLD Magazine | Community 2009


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