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  • Ted Jensen, head engineer at Sterling Sound, has done just that, claiming the tracks were already "brickwalled" to within an inch of their, er, death, by the time they arrived on his decks.

    Blogposts | 2008

  • Downstairs was old-Town style, brickwalled and low-ceilinged, a dungeon of piss and beer.

    The Town Chuck Hogan 2004

  • That previous night, he had found her plum Saturn returned to its brickwalled space.

    The Town Chuck Hogan 2004

  • People listen to dynamically brickwalled AACs and MP3s from their iPods at ever increasing volumes and on their chintzy home theatres at background level because of the sheer obnoxiousness of the sound.

    Boing Boing Rob Beschizza 2011

  • Totally don't see the appeal in white noise, static and vague efforts to create melody behind a cacophonic brickwalled barrel of shite.

    The Line Of Best Fit Sam Shepherd 2010

  • Totally don't see the appeal in white noise, static and vague efforts to create melody behind a cacophonic brickwalled barrel of shite.

    The Line Of Best Fit Sam Shepherd 2010

  • Totally don't see the appeal in white noise, static and vague efforts to create melody behind a cacophonic brickwalled barrel of shite.

    The Line Of Best Fit Sam Shepherd 2010

  • It is equally unfortunate that Michael Mayer's production, adorned with blue neon lights and an ugly brickwalled set, leans towards caricature.

    Evening Standard - Home 2009

  • This CD is actually not that bad, it's compressed to hell, but it's not nearly as brickwalled as the others.

    Home Theater Forum 2009

  • Murphy brickwalled the Dodger momentum in the next inning, displaying the form that left his contemporaries certain he would become a Hall of Famer.

    Dodger Thoughts 2008


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