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  • The most one: the diplomas, which are all similar and too simple, are signed from people who dont exist (bruxelles one is signed by alain robinet which is a quite famous french poet and im sure is not him).

    Mad Dog Movies « Scam Film Fest: Annual Program Without Frontiers 2007

  • Sablés aux olives | il cavoletto di bruxelles said something sweet:

    foodbeam » Comme chez Pierre Hermé – Sablés aux olives noires 2007

  • December 9th, 2005 at 3: 08 pm kevin de bruxelles says:

    Think Progress » Laura Bush’s War on Christmas 2005

  • If you are in bruxelles you can consider yourself my guest and if I was still a student a would move to Canada.

    No Fat Clips!!! : Typographics 2007

  • December 9th, 2005 at 3: 28 pm kevin de bruxelles says: but perhaps when some of your lot start calling an anti-Semitic bigot an anti-Semitic bigot

    Think Progress » Laura Bush’s War on Christmas 2005

  • Cenzina from il cavoletto di bruxelles from Italy has an twist for her 'local' theme by sharing with us these little cakes that are a local specialty in Cassano, a small town in Calabria in South Italy, where she used to spend summers there with her Calabrian husband.

    Archive 2005-09-01 2005

  • Cenzina from il cavoletto di bruxelles from Italy has an twist for her 'local' theme by sharing with us these little cakes that are a local specialty in Cassano, a small town in Calabria in South Italy, where she used to spend summers there with her Calabrian husband.

    DMBLGIT #9 Entries - Part III (AM) 2005

  • Cenzina from il cavoletto di bruxelles in Italy whose post I still cannot read, but she told me how these delicate treats are a local specialty from a small town in Calabria.

    Archive 2005-10-01 2005

  • Cenzina from il cavoletto di bruxelles in Italy whose post I still cannot read, but she told me how these delicate treats are a local specialty from a small town in Calabria.

    DMBLGIT #9 - THE WINNERS!!! 2005

  • Lunch was predictably jingoistic: _rosbif, boudin Yorkshire, choux de bruxelles_.

    The Satanic Verses Rushdie, Salman 1967


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