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  • The word "bustan" means fruit-yielding orchard in both Arabic and Hebrew -- and is symbolic of what they hope to achieve as an organization that is focused on environmental justice.

    Salena Tramel: Reimagining Israel's Negev 2010

  • The word "bustan" means fruit-yielding orchard in both Arabic and Hebrew -- and is symbolic of what they hope to achieve as an organization that is focused on environmental justice.

    Salena Tramel: Reimagining Israel's Negev 2010

  • [FN#8] The Arabic word for garden (bustan) applies to any cultivated or fertile spot, abounding in trees.

    The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume I Anonymous 1879

  • All settlements are illegal under international law. hillary likes to talk about rights. but she rarely does so with respect to international law and on the few occasions when she does, those rights are always for the white folks, the rich folks, the people of the global north. certainly never for palestinians. i've written about the new ethnic cleansing in silwan in al quds before, but there is some important context in international law that the project for monitoring israeli colonization activities posted a report that gives insight to al bustan and silwan, but also to the legal aspects, which of course, hillary chose not to speak about when she opted instead to say merely that they are "unhelpful":

    Palestine Blogs aggregator 2009


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