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  • I re(re)iterate: the best strategy is not to attempt point-by-point re(re)buttals of the same old ID talking points; it is to point out that postulating a designer only begs the question: “What is the origin of this ‘designer’?”

    Another definition of ID - The Panda's Thumb 2007

  • Team Clinton learned the lesson — the War Room was famous for “pre-buttals” that shot down the smears before they were even launched.

    Firedoglake » From the Elephant’s Mouth 2006

  • The Clinton Campaign in 1992 was brilliant, in that The War Room anticipated GOP attacks, and outflanked the MSM with pre-buttals.

    Firedoglake » FDL Book Salon — Lapdogs, Pt. 2 2006

  • Democrats have proposed in our pre-buttals an Agenda for Innovation that is our commitment to competitiveness, to keep America number one.

    CNN Transcript Jan 31, 2006 2006

  • Ed Henry just said they had a whole week of what they call pre-buttals.

    CNN Transcript Jan 31, 2006 2006

  • You know, in fact, the Democrats have been so eager to steal the president's thunder -- thunder -- that they started a weeklong series of rebuttals -- pre-buttals, rather -- even before the speech was delivered, over the last week.

    CNN Transcript Jan 31, 2006 2006


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