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  • And, darn, I was really liking the word cambuse, hoping it would mean pad bachelor pad.

    stagiaire - French Word-A-Day 2010

  • And, darn, I was really liking the word cambuse, hoping it would mean pad (bachelor pad).

    stagiaire - French Word-A-Day 2010

  • Newforest, thank you for the miel info and for cambuse.

    stagiaire - French Word-A-Day 2010

  • Kristin, a vocabulary question: When I look up cambuse, I get responses like "store-room" and "galley."

    stagiaire - French Word-A-Day 2010

  • In a different context, the word “cambuse” got attributed to a canteen for people working on a large building site, workers in a big factory -- or, to a restaurant (rather cheap, crowded, and of very low standard).

    stagiaire - French Word-A-Day 2010

  • Newforest, thank you for the miel info and for cambuse.

    stagiaire - French Word-A-Day 2010

  • Kristin, a vocabulary question: When I look up cambuse, I get responses like "store-room" and "galley."

    stagiaire - French Word-A-Day 2010

  • In a different context, the word “cambuse” got attributed to a canteen for people working on a large building site, workers in a big factory -- or, to a restaurant rather cheap, crowded, and of very low standard.

    stagiaire - French Word-A-Day 2010


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