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  • Several thousand students at Aleppo University held a candle-light protest vigil overnight that was later broken up by police.

    Syria Denies Report of Mass Grave in Daraa 2011

  • There, thousands gathered in candle-light vigils on the first nights after 9/11, and this quickly evolved the park into a "people's republic" without police, with an intense series of singalongs, rallies, prayer sessions and circles of traumatized but also liberated citizens, having conversations with strangers, passing the "talking stick" from hand to hand.

    Reverend Billy: Our Grief Is Not a Cry for War Reverend Billy 2011

  • They earlier dispersed a handful of supporters of the Egyptian uprising who were holding a candle-light vigil.

    Saad Khan: Wake Up Syrians, it's Party Time! Saad Khan 2011

  • Several thousand students at Aleppo University held a candle-light protest vigil overnight that was later broken up by police.

    Syria Denies Report of Mass Grave in Daraa 2011

  • Anupam Nath/Associated Press There will be a candle-light vigil at Rajghat in New Delhi on June 25 in support of Ms. Sharmila's crusade.

    A Decade-Long Crusade 2011

  • They earlier dispersed a handful of supporters of the Egyptian uprising who were holding a candle-light vigil.

    Saad Khan: Wake Up Syrians, it's Party Time! Saad Khan 2011

  • His hair was chestnut-brown, glinting in the candle-light to gold, and the hint of waviness in it explained the perceptible droop to his tawny moustache.

    CHAPTER 4 2010

  • In this eye-opening short series, a modern family tried to spend three months living as middle/upper-middle-class Victorians would have lived in 1900, before the advent of electricity, natural gas supplies, with the barest cold-water plumbing, candle-light, etc.

    Electric Liberation, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty 2009

  • To the three R's his mother taught him by camp-fire and candle-light, he had added a somewhat miscellaneous book-knowledge; but he was not burdened with what he had gathered.

    CHAPTER 5 2010

  • Which it is anyway – and for those who don't like it, you're free to remove the electrical service to your house, go back to candle-light, cooking at a hearth, and heating your bathwater by the bucketful on your coal - or wood-fired cast-iron stove.

    Obama admin. approves controversial Cape Cod wind farm 2010


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