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  • We sealed the bargain in a glass of the local mixture, and I thereupon demanded a _caparra -- _ a monetary security that he would keep his word, i.e. be round at my door with the animals at two in the morning, so as to reach the uplands before the heat became oppressive.

    Old Calabria Norman Douglas 1910

  • "What _caparra_?" said he, lifting the lid of his wicked eye with his forefinger, "this is the best _caparra_," meaning a face as honest and trustworthy as the devil's.

    Italian Journeys William Dean Howells 1878

  • In Italy it is customary for a public carrier when engaged to give his employer as a pledge the sum agreed upon for the service, which is returned with the amount due him, at the end, if the service has been satisfactory; and I demanded of Antonino this _caparra_, as it is called.

    Italian Journeys William Dean Howells 1878

  • _caparra_ or earnest money made all eager to join the band, but the padrone could only allow a half dozen to leave their stations at the hotel.

    Aunt Jane's Nieces Abroad 1887


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