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  • "Captare" may be defined as to get the upper hand of someone; and "captari" means to be the dupe of someone, to be the object of interested flattery; "captator" means a succession of successful undertakings of the sort referred to above.

    Satyricon 2007

  • The captator, the [image], the auarus are not the creation of Horace and Juvenal.

    Introduction 1912

  • "captari" means to be the dupe of someone, to be the object of interested flattery; "captator" means a succession of successful undertakings of the sort referred to above.

    The Satyricon — Complete 20-66 Petronius Arbiter

  • "captari" means to be the dupe of someone, to be the object of interested flattery; "captator" means a succession of successful undertakings of the sort referred to above.

    The Satyricon — Volume 06: Editor's Notes 20-66 Petronius Arbiter


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