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  • That explains what has till now been my favourite: vino y cava was translated not as wine and cava but as it came and it digs, which is quite right because vino is the third person past of venir (come) and cava is the third person present of cavar (dig).

    6 posts from January 2009 2009

  • That explains what has till now been my favourite: vino y cava was translated not as wine and cava but as it came and it digs, which is quite right because vino is the third person past of venir (come) and cava is the third person present of cavar (dig).

    Machines and menus 2009

  • That explains what has till now been my favourite: vino y cava was translated not as wine and cava but as it came and it digs, which is quite right because vino is the third person past of venir (come) and cava is the third person present of cavar (dig).

    Machines and menus 2009

  • Deja de cavar tu propia tumba con el cuchillo y el tenedor: 12 stops para acabar con los malos hábitos y empezar a vivir de forma saludable (Spanish Edition) by Mike Huckabee

    OpEdNews - Quicklink: Stop participating....Just Stop everything..... 2008

  • Pochi giorni avanti la mia partenza di la desiderava S.A. Elletorale di sentire qualche mia musica in contrapunto: era adunque obligato di scriver questo Motetto in fretta per dar tempo a copiar il spartito per Sua A.tezza ed a cavar le parti per poter produrlo la prossima domenica sotto la Messa grande in tempo del Offertorio.

    The Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart, Wolfgang A 1864

  • Pochi giorni avanti la mia partenza di la desiderava S.A. Elletorale di sentire qualche mia musica in contrapunto: era adunque obligato di scriver questo Motetto in fretta per dar tempo a copiar il spartito per Sua A.tezza ed a cavar le parti per poter produrlo la prossima domenica sotto la Messa grande in tempo del

    The Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart — Volume 01 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1773

  • Slide 17: LET'S REVISE! dig dug dug cavar do did done fer draw drew drawn dibuixar dream dreamt dreamt somiar drink drank drunk beure drive drove driven conduir eat ate eaten menjar fall fell fallen caure feed fed fed alimentar feel felt felt sentir (- se) fight fought fought lluitar find found found trobar fly flew flown volar forget forgot forgotten oblidar get got got rebre, aconseguir

    Recently Uploaded Slideshows 2008


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