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  • Haunted by the grave, sad eyes of Guido Reni's picture of Beatrice, so that the very streets of Rome seemed to echo her name -- though it was only old women calling out "rags" ( 'cenci') -- he was tempted from his airy flights to throw himself for once into the portrayal of reality.

    Shelley Sydney Waterlow 1911

  • 'Starommi dunque così tra i miei cenci, senza trovare uomo che della mia servitù si ricordi, o che creda che io possa esser buono a nulla.

    Renaissance in Italy, Volume 1 (of 7) The Age of the Despots John Addington Symonds 1866

  • But he broke off in his reply, and burst out in loud, harsh tones, not unlike the creaking and grating of a cart-wheel: "_Chi abbaratta_ -- _baratta_ -- _b'ratta_ -- _chi abbaratta cenci e vetri_ -- _b'ratta ferri vecchi_?"

    Romola George Eliot 1849


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