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  • Petition: this type of incidents are sameful for the people of india and for the govenment. it is our fundamental right to follow in religion and culture. but it does not mean that u have got permit to do any thing and cross any boundary on the name of god. these people and activists of ram sena knows who is ram if he knows any thing about ram then he had never dare to performed so cheap act. in my view these people had commited a cerime and for that neeed to take a strong step otherwise that day is not far when this single country india divided into a number of seprate countries on the basis of religion caste, creed and culture. 2009

  • Petition: this type of incidents are sameful for the people of india and for the govenment. it is our fundamental right to follow in religion and culture. but it does not mean that u have got permit to do any thing and cross any boundary on the name of god. these people and activists of ram sena knows who is ram if he knows any thing about ram then he had never dare to performed so cheap act. in my view these people had commited a cerime and for that neeed to take a strong step otherwise that day is not far when this single country india divided into a number of seprate countries on the basis of religion caste, creed and culture. 2009


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