
from The Century Dictionary.

  • In Günther's system of classification, a group of Siluridæ homalopteræ, having the gill-membranes confluent with the skin of the broad isthmus, the dorsal and anal fins divided into two portions, the anterior portion of the former with a strong spine, the posterior and the anal united with the caudal, and the ventrals six-rayed. The group is the same as the family Chacidæ.


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  • A força militar adjunta à nave-colónia é enviada numa tentativa ilegal de exterminar os anteriores colonos, e Lauren Moore, que se opõe à chacina, é abandonada na superfície do planeta desértico, à mercê de estranhas e sanguinárias criaturas alienígenas.

    Cloudburst Artur 2006


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