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  • I have been thinking about hanging a chinup bar for a while now.

    Cheeseburger Gothic » JB’s deadline workout. 2009

  • I'll also add, if you're having issues with even getting a couple in, do deadhang holds ie go into a deadhang like at the bottom of a pullup/chinup then hold hanging there for time aiming for at least a minute if you can, then move onto working for two.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • I take issue with the chinup/pullup recommendation, on a couple grounds:

    Ask MetaFilter 2010

  • Though now a self-identified creatine-chugging chinup-doing "jock" (who's perhaps planning an album of workout tunes), he has collaborated with Arcade Fire, and used to perform and record under the name Final Fantasy, swiped from an interminable video game franchise.

    Bostonist C. Fernsebner 2010

  • I'll also add, if you're having issues with even getting a couple in, do deadhang holds ie go into a deadhang like at the bottom of a pullup/chinup then hold hanging there for time aiming for at least a minute if you can, then move onto working for two.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • I'll also add, if you're having issues with even getting a couple in, do deadhang holds ie go into a deadhang like at the bottom of a pullup/chinup then hold hanging there for time aiming for at least a minute if you can, then move onto working for two.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • I'll also add, if you're having issues with even getting a couple in, do deadhang holds ie go into a deadhang like at the bottom of a pullup/chinup then hold hanging there for time aiming for at least a minute if you can, then move onto working for two.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • Though now a self-identified creatine-chugging chinup-doing "jock" (who's perhaps planning an album of workout tunes), he has collaborated with Arcade Fire, and used to perform and record under the name Final Fantasy, swiped from an interminable video game franchise.

    Bostonist C. Fernsebner 2010

  • I'll also add, if you're having issues with even getting a couple in, do deadhang holds ie go into a deadhang like at the bottom of a pullup/chinup then hold hanging there for time aiming for at least a minute if you can, then move onto working for two.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • Though now a self-identified creatine-chugging chinup-doing "jock" (who's perhaps planning an album of workout tunes), he has collaborated with Arcade Fire, and used to perform and record under the name Final Fantasy, swiped from an interminable video game franchise.

    Bostonist C. Fernsebner 2010


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