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  • Reporters from area newspapers were now well aware of the “wealthy elocutionist from Ayer and her choreman,” as one paper described them.

    Savage Peace Ann Hagedorn 2007

  • Reporters from area newspapers were now well aware of the “wealthy elocutionist from Ayer and her choreman,” as one paper described them.

    Savage Peace Ann Hagedorn 2007

  • Reporters from area newspapers were now well aware of the “wealthy elocutionist from Ayer and her choreman,” as one paper described them.

    Savage Peace Ann Hagedorn 2007

  • My kind friend, the choreman, let me go with him when he carried the lye from the hopper to the soap fat barrel.

    The Expedition of the Donner Party and its Tragic Fate Eliza Poor Donner Houghton

  • All human experience thrilled her; the choreman, the dressmaker, the postman, the caller; one and all, she hung on their words.

    Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910 Maud Howe Elliott 1915

  • If she was quite exasperated with the stupidity of Yakub, the dvornik, she pretended to curse him in a phrase of her own invention, a mixture of Hebrew and Russian, which, translated, said, "Mayst thou have gold and silver in thy bosom"; but to the choreman, who was not a linguist, the mongrel phrase conveyed a sense of his delinquency.

    The Promised Land Mary Antin 1915

  • Yakub the choreman partook of the festival with us.

    The Promised Land Mary Antin 1915

  • If she was quite exasperated with the stupidity of Yakub, the dvornik, she pretended to curse him in a phrase of her own invention, a mixture of Hebrew and Russian, which, translated, said, "Mayst thou have gold and silver in thy bosom"; but to the choreman, who was not a linguist, the mongrel phrase conveyed a sense of his delinquency.

    The Promised Land 1912

  • Yakub the choreman partook of the festival with us.

    The Promised Land 1912

  • Yakub the choreman partook of the festival with us.

    The Promised Land Antin, Mary, 1881-1949 1912


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