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  • There was only one christer protest at Denver Pride a few weeks ago.

    ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science 2010

  • Don't try and pretend that this isn't a christer form of social engineering -- that they want to be exempt from laws they personally disagree with.

    Gay/Lesbian Forum 2010

  • What these morons don't understand is that releasing teachers from this duty means they can also discriminate and harass christer kids.

    Gay/Lesbian Forum 2010

  • Obama is one of our enemies, not a friend because of his christer based bigotry against same sex marriage.

    Queerty 2009

  • As for Democratic presidencies Clinton was the reason we got the codification of military bigotry as DADT and he not only championed DOMA, forcing it through Congress, but he boasted about it on redneck christer radio stations to get reelected in 1996.

    Queerty 2009

  • Pieter Venter wrote: Will the B970 work on an Apple Mac? christer wrote: Thank you for your feedback.

    Blogbot - forsiden 2009

  • Obama continues to woo the christer right with bribes from increased funding for 'faith based 'federal grants, his endorsement of Warren, the DoJ's homohating briefs in defense of Clinton's DOMA, his collection of White House' prayer 'writers and his rancid anti-SSM Council of Latest 2009

  • Stating the obvious, the Palin / McCain strategy boils down to poking the left into screaming in horror at cracker and christer stupidity until every cracker and christer votes Palin / McCain just to spite all the not-them screaming in horror at the stupidity of crackers and christers. honorable, it's morally imperative

    Best of the Blogs 2008

  • | Reply | Permalink none of those three will get the nomination next time. in two years the republican brand will be on the rebound and by 2012 real competitors will throw their hats in the ring. it won't be the also-rans and last chancers who threw their clown shoes in this time. huck will make another run, but if he gets the nomination the rift in the party will be insurmountable. might even destroy the party. club for growthers won't play second banana to the christer wing of the party. and they can't if the party wants to play in the show.

    Poll: Palin Hasn't Done Herself Any Favors For 2012 2009

  • Tell you what: find a way to get ALL the world’s greed-consumed phucking right wing racist christer idiots to move to the US, and I can guarantee you that your dream might well come true as people with minds gleefully run to those places where there are NO greed-consumed phucking right wing racist Christer idiots.

    Think Progress » European-American Fox News host complains that we’re turning into Europeans, who are a ‘pack of Pagan losers.’ 2010


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