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  • A Spanish lexicographer of authority says that the cigar has the form of a "cicada" of paper, and, on the whole, it is highly probable that the likeness of the roll of tobacco-leaf to the cylindrical body of the insect (_cigarra_) was the reason that the "cigarro" was so called.

    The Social History of Smoking George Latimer Apperson 1897

  • The derivation of "cigar" is not altogether clear; but the probabilities are strongly in favour of its connexion with "cigarra," the Spanish name for the cicada, the shrilly-chirping insect familiar in the southern countries of Europe, and the subject of frequent allusions by the ancient writers of Greece and Rome, as well as by modern scribes.

    The Social History of Smoking George Latimer Apperson 1897

  • [18] A modern minstrel inveighs loudly against this charity of his ancestors, who devoted their "cantos de cigarra," to the glorification of this "Moorish rabble," instead of celebrating the prowess of the Cid,

    The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic — Volume 1 William Hickling Prescott 1827


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