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  • The international aid group Doctors Without Borders, or M é d é cins Sans Fronti è res, said it has treated hundreds of residents in the capital since the weekend for what it believes to be cholera, and that the number of cases is growing rapidly.

    Cholera Spreads to Haiti Ingrid Arnesen 2010

  • June 15, 2008 at 1:07 pm cins Aye sea teh Appul, Aye noas wut U gotz tu… Aye fownd owt urlii dat sum karacturz Aye maek doan sho op rite tu udderz…

    Ur home late - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger? 2008

  • BOfe deses kittehs diserbs awl teh hugs n snorgles n smoo dey cins gets!

    waayt! - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger? 2008

  • Just suppose he were to break or lose the cins-he would be easy prey for even a club man then.

    Night of masks Norton, Andre 1965

  • To leave a man without a weapon, without cins, alone here -

    Night of masks Norton, Andre 1965

  • The mist was nearly as hindering to the vision as the loss of the cins might be, Nik thought dully.

    Night of masks Norton, Andre 1965

  • Nik's hand flew to his own eyes, just to make sure, though he should have known he would not be able to see this much had his own cins not been in place.

    Night of masks Norton, Andre 1965

  • These rocks were nothing to cross without cins, but Nik could not order him to remain.

    Night of masks Norton, Andre 1965

  • I can see a little, but your breed can see nothing unless you wear cins.

    Night of masks Norton, Andre 1965

  • The light from the unearthly plants must give him a measure of sight, but what had happened to his cins?

    Night of masks Norton, Andre 1965


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