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  • The cirujano treated external ailments such as wounds and injuries, broken bones, and skin conditions such as boils and rashes.

    Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico 2008

  • En ese tiempo, trabajaba en el Ejército y ella se presentó en mi oficina con unos tacos negros altísimos (que a mí me hubieran dado vértigo), pollera súper formal negra y una seguridad de cirujano.

    veruscio Diary Entry veruscio 2008

  • Escobedo explained that he is a "médico cirujano."

    Brownsville Herald : By EMMA PEREZ-TREVINO 2010

  • Olvera confirmed that Escobedo did receive a diploma from Noreste, but it says only that he completed and passed eight semesters, or four years, in the médico cirujano course of study.

    Brownsville Herald : By EMMA PEREZ-TREVINO 2010

  • Had he said from the beginning that he is a médico cirujano, he said, it would have caused confusion because the literal translation is "physician surgeon."

    Brownsville Herald : By EMMA PEREZ-TREVINO 2010

  • Escobedo explained that he is a "médico cirujano."

    Brownsville Herald : By EMMA PEREZ-TREVINO 2010

  • The Tampico university does offer a six-year curriculum for médico cirujano, which according to university staff is similar to a general practitioner in the United States.

    Brownsville Herald : By EMMA PEREZ-TREVINO 2010

  • Had he said from the beginning that he is a médico cirujano, he said, it would have caused confusion because the literal translation is "physician surgeon."

    Brownsville Herald : By EMMA PEREZ-TREVINO 2010

  • However, to obtain a title as a médico cirujano from the Tampico university, one must complete four years (or eight semesters) of study; an additional year of internships; an added year providing medical services in community hospitals; and an exam - for a total of six years, according to Verónica Olvera, assistant to Dr. Jesus Ramirez Martinez, director of the Health Sciences Department at the Universidad del Noreste.

    Brownsville Herald : By EMMA PEREZ-TREVINO 2010

  • Escobedo explained that he is a "médico cirujano."

    Brownsville Herald : By EMMA PEREZ-TREVINO 2010


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