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  • But this comparison serves only as a backdrop for the fantastic citybuilding that Lynch achieves.

    Archive 2008-06-01 2008

  • Up until now, when someone wanted to experience the life of a citybuilding, rum distilling, cigar smoking dictator that person had to either establish his own banana republic

    Fragland :: Everything Zembla 2008

  • Some PC games which I personally think stand the test of time include first person shooter Half-Life (and all its sequels), citybuilding game Pharoah and the Baldur’s Gate RPG series – all of which you can probably pick up for under $20 these days.

    Tuesday, January 22, 2008 | Lifehacker Australia 2008

  • Some PC games which I personally think stand the test of time include first person shooter Half-Life (and all its sequels), citybuilding game Pharoah and the Baldur’s Gate RPG series – all of which you can probably pick up for under $20 these days.

    How to save money when you buy computer games | Lifehacker Australia 2008

  • Some PC games which I personally think stand the test of time include first person shooter Half-Life and all its sequels, citybuilding game Pharoah and the Baldur’s Gate RPG series – all of which you can probably pick up for under $20 these days.

    How to save money when you buy computer games | Lifehacker Australia 2008

  • Some PC games which I personally think stand the test of time include first person shooter Half-Life and all its sequels, citybuilding game Pharoah and the Baldur’s Gate RPG series – all of which you can probably pick up for under $20 these days.

    Tuesday, January 22, 2008 | Lifehacker Australia 2008


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