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  • He’s one of these woodsmen; too wise to go yelping and talking your arm off like a cityman.

    Chapter 25 1922

  • He's one of these woodsmen; too wise to go yelping and talking your arm off like a cityman.

    Babbitt 1922

  • He's one of these woodsmen; too wise to go yelping and talking your arm off like a cityman.

    Babbitt Sinclair Lewis 1918

  • He was the picture of the cynical cityman who has to be nowhere at no especial time.

    The Trail of the Hawk A Comedy of the Seriousness of Life Sinclair Lewis 1918

  • How do such words differ from _hilltop, townend, candlelight, rushlight, cityman_, and the like, where no double _s_ can be made the scapegoat?

    Among My Books Second Series James Russell Lowell 1855

  • Readers are solely responsible for the content of their comments. cityman says ... stories < 2010

  • He’s one of these woodsmen; too wise to go yelping and talking your arm off like a cityman.

    Babbit 2004

  • MissouriWatcher: Karl is campaigning for Dean of the James Beard Gourmet Cooking School. cityman: PO box 756. stories 2010

  • MissouriWatcher: Karl is campaigning for Dean of the James Beard Gourmet Cooking School. cityman: PO box 756. stories 2010

  • MissouriWatcher: Karl is campaigning for Dean of the James Beard Gourmet Cooking School. cityman: PO box 756. stories 2010


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