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  • In keeping with the Akashic Noir series tradition, each story in Boston Noir is set in a different neighborhood of the citythe impressively diverse collection extends from Roxbury to Cambridge, from Southie to the Boston Harbor, and all stops in between.

    Boston Noir by Dennis Lehane (Editor): Book summary 2010

  • Aket-ten was one of a handful of Jousters who were staying in Sanctuary to run courier to thenew citythe Great King and Queen were building onGreatMotherRiverbetween Tia and Alta.

    Aerie Lackey, Mercedes 2006

  • You start off in the typical atmosphere of an eastern citythe scorching sunlight, the dusty palms, the smells of fish and spices and garlic, the squashy tropical fruits, the swarming dark-faced human beingsand because you are so used to it you carry this atmosphere intact, so to speak, in your railway carriage.

    Homage to Catalonia 1938


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