
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Alternative spelling of clothes peg.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

clothes +‎ peg


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  • Wear a clothespeg over my nose in the voting booth?

    Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I... 2010

  • Is there really anywhere that, say, comfortably SNP voters would actively switch to the Tories big clothespeg for nose.

    Scotsman - Labour to get thumped in the Capital Jeff 2009

  • The biggest set of bookshelves was partly hidden by a petticoat, the waist-band of which was caught upon the back of a slender book pulled a little out of the row so as to make an improvised clothespeg.

    An Outcast Of The Islands 1896

  • Springfield, Vermont invented the wooden clothespeg we know today, made up of two wooden legs hinged together with a metal spring.

    British Blogs Heritage 2010

  • I suspect she now regrets the clothespeg ploy last time, if only because she can’t use it now things are really desparate.

    Is comment really free? Alix Mortimer 2009

  • First reaction to the clothespeg bomb: "You f****** bastards."

    unknown title 2008


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