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  • Prosecutors have asked for her sentence and that of her co-appellant Raffaele Sollecito, her boyfriend at the time of the murder, to be increased to life in prison because of the futility of the motives for the killing.

    The Australian | News | 2011

  • Prosecutors have asked for her sentence and that of her co-appellant Raffaele Sollecito, her boyfriend at the time of the murder, to be increased to life in prison because of the futility of the motives for the killing.

    The Australian | News | 2011

  • Templeton was a co-appellant in this entire case, where the Levitt family was trying to block Sun's acquisition of Taro after the company turned around.

    Moneycontrol Top Headlines 2009

  • But this certainly looks like positive news as one of the co-appellant which was against Sun Pharma has withdrawn.

    Moneycontrol Top Headlines 2009


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