
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Resembling or characteristic of a comet.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

comet +‎ -like


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  • As the ship slowed abruptly, it peeled off from its orbit and plunged earthward in a cometlike dive.

    Golden State 2010

  • In part one an asteroid has somehow become cometlike, grown a tail, a tail which has altered it to be on a collision course with Earth.

    In the Ocean of night by Gregory Benford John Loyd 2009

  • The cavern was full of spirits: a horde of luminous boys gathered in a circle getting instructions from Lucius, several spirits she recognized from Horrific Hamburgers at the Pit of Despair, some ancient Egyptians, ghosts of various shapes and sizes with bulging eyeballs, or horns, or gooey drippy tails, even a handful of North Farm spirits, brightly lit, their cometlike tails drifting behind them as they floated in circles.

    May Bird, Warrior Princess Jodi Lynn Anderson 2007

  • The cavern was full of spirits: a horde of luminous boys gathered in a circle getting instructions from Lucius, several spirits she recognized from Horrific Hamburgers at the Pit of Despair, some ancient Egyptians, ghosts of various shapes and sizes with bulging eyeballs, or horns, or gooey drippy tails, even a handful of North Farm spirits, brightly lit, their cometlike tails drifting behind them as they floated in circles.

    May Bird, Warrior Princess Jodi Lynn Anderson 2007

  • The cavern was full of spirits: a horde of luminous boys gathered in a circle getting instructions from Lucius, several spirits she recognized from Horrific Hamburgers at the Pit of Despair, some ancient Egyptians, ghosts of various shapes and sizes with bulging eyeballs, or horns, or gooey drippy tails, even a handful of North Farm spirits, brightly lit, their cometlike tails drifting behind them as they floated in circles.

    May Bird, Warrior Princess Jodi Lynn Anderson 2007

  • The cavern was full of spirits: a horde of luminous boys gathered in a circle getting instructions from Lucius, several spirits she recognized from Horrific Hamburgers at the Pit of Despair, some ancient Egyptians, ghosts of various shapes and sizes with bulging eyeballs, or horns, or gooey drippy tails, even a handful of North Farm spirits, brightly lit, their cometlike tails drifting behind them as they floated in circles.

    May Bird, Warrior Princess Jodi Lynn Anderson 2007

  • The cavern was full of spirits: a horde of luminous boys gathered in a circle getting instructions from Lucius, several spirits she recognized from Horrific Hamburgers at the Pit of Despair, some ancient Egyptians, ghosts of various shapes and sizes with bulging eyeballs, or horns, or gooey drippy tails, even a handful of North Farm spirits, brightly lit, their cometlike tails drifting behind them as they floated in circles.

    May Bird, Warrior Princess Jodi Lynn Anderson 2007

  • The cavern was full of spirits: a horde of luminous boys gathered in a circle getting instructions from Lucius, several spirits she recognized from Horrific Hamburgers at the Pit of Despair, some ancient Egyptians, ghosts of various shapes and sizes with bulging eyeballs, or horns, or gooey drippy tails, even a handful of North Farm spirits, brightly lit, their cometlike tails drifting behind them as they floated in circles.

    May Bird, Warrior Princess Jodi Lynn Anderson 2007

  • The cavern was full of spirits: a horde of luminous boys gathered in a circle getting instructions from Lucius, several spirits she recognized from Horrific Hamburgers at the Pit of Despair, some ancient Egyptians, ghosts of various shapes and sizes with bulging eyeballs, or horns, or gooey drippy tails, even a handful of North Farm spirits, brightly lit, their cometlike tails drifting behind them as they floated in circles.

    May Bird, Warrior Princess Jodi Lynn Anderson 2007

  • The cavern was full of spirits: a horde of luminous boys gathered in a circle getting instructions from Lucius, several spirits she recognized from Horrific Hamburgers at the Pit of Despair, some ancient Egyptians, ghosts of various shapes and sizes with bulging eyeballs, or horns, or gooey drippy tails, even a handful of North Farm spirits, brightly lit, their cometlike tails drifting behind them as they floated in circles.

    May Bird, Warrior Princess Jodi Lynn Anderson 2007


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