
from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun the trait of sincere and steadfast fixity of purpose.


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  • Since then our personal narratives about social care have changed: instead of thinking instantly about the heavy weight of dependency, our minds turn easily to the quality and commitedness of the services - the people who have what it takes to help others - as well as the courage and remarkable selflessness of many who need help.

    Indra Adnan: Where Miliband Meets Obama 2010

  • Since then our personal narratives about social care have changed: instead of thinking instantly about the heavy weight of dependency, our minds turn easily to the quality and commitedness of the services - the people who have what it takes to help others - as well as the courage and remarkable selflessness of many who need help.

    Indra Adnan: Where Miliband Meets Obama 2010

  • Since then our personal narratives about social care have changed: instead of thinking instantly about the heavy weight of dependency, our minds turn easily to the quality and commitedness of the services - the people who have what it takes to help others - as well as the courage and remarkable selflessness of many who need help.

    Indra Adnan: Where Miliband Meets Obama 2010

  • Since then our personal narratives about social care have changed: instead of thinking instantly about the heavy weight of dependency, our minds turn easily to the quality and commitedness of the services -- the people who have what it takes to help others -- as well as the courage and remarkable selflessness of many who need help.

    Indra Adnan: Where Miliband Meets Obama 2010

  • Since then our personal narratives about social care have changed: instead of thinking instantly about the heavy weight of dependency, our minds turn easily to the quality and commitedness of the services - the people who have what it takes to help others - as well as the courage and remarkable selflessness of many who need help.

    Indra Adnan: Where Miliband Meets Obama 2010

  • Since then our personal narratives about social care have changed: instead of thinking instantly about the heavy weight of dependency, our minds turn easily to the quality and commitedness of the services -- the people who have what it takes to help others -- as well as the courage and remarkable selflessness of many who need help.

    Indra Adnan: Where Miliband Meets Obama 2010

  • Since then our personal narratives about social care have changed: instead of thinking instantly about the heavy weight of dependency, our minds turn easily to the quality and commitedness of the services -- the people who have what it takes to help others -- as well as the courage and remarkable selflessness of many who need help.

    Indra Adnan: Where Miliband Meets Obama 2010


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