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  • noun competitiveness


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  • "competitivity", though undoubtedly pointing to some painfully really economic dynamics, can also be one of the most ideological, and misleading notions - as the FIAT case makes plain, the demands of competition, and what's good for "Italian" businesses (one should be wary in this day and age of thinking of national belonging for businesses and corporations), don't necessarily (or at all) chime with the interests of workers or the greater part of the population.

    The Guardian World News Alberto Toscano 2010

  • Write downs and bank failures will only devalue the euro a part of what it would a smaller local currency, and would not remove lack of competitivity within Europe either, though it would mark equity to market and make it cheaper plus place a lot of borrowers heavily underwater .

    The Nixon option | afoe | A Fistful of Euros | European Opinion 2010

  • "One sole lesson is to be learnt from these events: a member of a monetary union cannot, in any case, allow its competitivity to decline, year after year, relative to its principal trading partners."

    ECB's Mersch Urges Stiffer Penalties for Rulebreakers Frances Robinson 2010

  • France wants to have joint projects with Africa, joint centres of competitivity, joint universities and joint laboratories.

    Africa "Outside" History? President Sarkozy's infamous speech in Dakar, July 2007 Marian 2008

  • "The further depreciation of sterling does add to the U. K.'s export competitivity," said Lai Co, head of economic analysis at the CBI.

    £1 to euro1 = an unwelcome milestone 2008

  • "The further depreciation of sterling does add to the U. K.'s export competitivity," said Lai Co, head of economic analysis at the CBI.

    Quid Pro Euro? U.K. Pound Nears Parity 2008

  • My thesis, which is defended in the book, and supported by many statements quoted there and elsewhere by senior scientists in different fields, is that we do not do a good job of this and that we make it too easy for careerists with lots of competitivity and little originality and too hard for those who are really original and independent.

    String Theory is Losing the Public Debate Sean 2007

  • You wrote: “My thesis, which is defended in the book, and supported by many statements quoted there and elsewhere by senior scientists in different fields, is that we do not do a good job of this and that we make it too easy for careerists with lots of competitivity and little originality and too hard for those who are really original and independent.”

    String Theory is Losing the Public Debate Sean 2007

  • South African Communist Party (SACP) and giant trade union federation COSATU - are likely to use the issue to pressure government to soften its macro-economic plan focused on boosting competitivity, privatisation and investment.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1999

  • He urged government, labour and the private sector to strike a deal to increase competitivity.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1997


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