
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun Ready money; cash; specie.


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  • Ce Top 50 mesure les marques les plus sociales en comptant le nombre de conversations/posts/articles qui les mentionnent sur des sites différents.

    Radar Social: Top 50 Social Brands (March 2009) Fabienne 2009

  • Mais bref si je viens a bosser 35h00 en comptant les 2h00 de sommeil en moins et la route et tout laissons tomber de suite ....

    pinku-tk Diary Entry pinku-tk 2009

  • Ce Top 50 mesure les marques les plus sociales en comptant le nombre de conversations/posts/articles qui les mentionnent sur des sites différents.

    Archive 2009-04-01 Fabienne 2009

  • In the second place, Mr. Bob, the Magazine rule is never to disburse what we term in France the argent comptant: - I have no doubt you understand.

    Expressions of the Age Fenton, James 2001

  • Etant interrogé, combien de secondes il y avoit dans une année et demie, il repondit en deux minutes, 47,304,000, en comptant 365 jours dans l'année.

    The Journal of Negro History, Volume 1, January 1916 Various

  • Le second remarqua qu'il était à peu près inutile de mentionner que John vendait au comptant.

    French Conversation and Composition Harry Vincent Wann

  • And to others the only glory worth talking about is that courted by the French writer, Rabbe, who busied himself in Spain with la _gloire argent comptant_.

    Youth and Egolatry P��o Baroja 1914

  • The foreign office made use of ordonnances de comptant to the amount of several millions annually, for subsidies to foreign governments, expenses of ambassadors, secret service, etc. Stourm, ii.

    The Eve of the French Revolution 1869

  • Such drafts (_acquits de comptant_) were made payable to bearer, and it was therefore impossible for the controller of the finances to know for what purpose they had been drawn.

    The Eve of the French Revolution 1869

  • The offices abolished by M. Turgot and M. Necker were re-established, the abuses which they had removed came back, the acceptances (_acquits de comptant_) rose in 1785 to more than a hundred and thirty-six millions of livres.

    A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 6 1830


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