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  • On an open doorstep lay a copper 'conca' -- the Roman water jar -- a wretched dog was rushing down the street with something in its mouth, in front of Lord Redin, a woman was pursuing it with yells, swinging a small wooden stool in her right hand, to throw it at the dog, and the neighbours were on their doorsteps in a moment.

    Casa Braccio, Volumes 1 and 2 (of 2) J. Andr�� [Illustrator] Castaigne 1881

  • As he spoke, the door was darkened, and the girl stood there with a large copper "conca," the water-jar of the Roman province, balanced on her head -- one of the most magnificent human beings on whom the sun of the Campagna ever shone.

    Whosoever Shall Offend 1881

  • It was not only her face and her hair, which resembled that of the late lamented Titian's Beauty; there was something in her figure and walk that made him half mad when he watched her; hers was not the stately stride of the black-eyed plebeian beauty, balancing her huge copper 'conca' on her classic head, still less was it the swaying, hip-dislocating, self-advertising gait of some of those handsome and fashionable ladies who frequented the Villa

    Stradella 1881

  • Heer- haz a cup ov mai Hzalloween conc… conca.. err… drinkie..

    This Valentine’s Day… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger? 2008

  • It. conca, Pr. conca, concha, Sp. and Pg. concha, F. conque 16th c., formerly also conche. DRASTY CONCHES. 2005

  • She laid aside the twisted cloth on which the conca had rested while she carried it, and she smoothed her hair carelessly.

    Whosoever Shall Offend 1881

  • Every other day an old woman from the village brought him a copper conca full of water; once a month she came and washed for him.

    Whosoever Shall Offend 1881

  • One shapely brown hand steadied the conca above, the other gathered her coarse skirt; then she stood still, lifted the load from her head with both hands and without any apparent effort, and set it down in its place on a stone slab near the hearth.

    Whosoever Shall Offend 1881

  • Lydia and she wove wreaths of wild-flowers, and Lyce sped down to the edge of the stream and brought us cooling drink in a bulging conca borne on her head.

    Horace Theodore Martin 1862

  • For example, the conca jury deciding the fate of Mehserle does not line up with the anarchist principals that he describes.

    Youth Radio - Newsroom 2010


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