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  • Exista particule indivizibile sau doar diverse forme de concentrare a energiei? 2010

  • "" Raj Bhai concentrare on MNIK, "" Doga, I believe i am the only SRK fan left here at NG now ...


  • "" Raj Bhai concentrare on MNIK, "" Doga, I believe i am the only SRK fan left here at NG now ...


  • You are doing great!!!!!! all the problems you have written are not for you to worry about right now, they are normal life problems so my advice would be concentrare on whats happening with your life right now and not worry about the future so much your parents are having their own problems and love and want the best for you remember when you are feeling positive thats when you are most helpful to anyone else and get used to the idea that you may be the only person to take care of your family one day because that will put things into perepective for you and make you relise what its all about even if they never need to rely on you for anything it's just a good frame of mind to be in and a selfless one

    [Help] Most Recent Posts onuclarinet0 2010


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