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  • It is a congame with us, the American people, cast as the patsies.

    Gerald Ford: The man who gave America the NeoCons 2006

  • Anyhow people, Christians everywhere, such as my ex wife republican are waking up to the neo-cons congame.

    Think Progress » ThinkFast: September 30, 2006 — ‘State of Denial’ Edition 2006

  • Shortly after our two faced president took office it was revealed that his single largest political contributor had been running a congame on his workers and investors to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.

    Hullabaloo 2004

  • When they make one where BHO is laughing his @$$ off because he pulled the biggest congame on the majority of USA voters but then comes the padlock on our house - then conservatives will once, again, enjoy a laugh.

    Latest Articles 2010

  • Unless and until foreign creditors step in, the US financial sector will continue to operate like a crime syndicate, since regulatory bodies and law enforcement officials are all part of the coordinated congame.

    Financial Sense Newshour 2008


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