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  • Notice Barney did not answer the question on whether or not he and the rest of the congresional reps, would take the public option as there own.

    Barney Frank goes toe to toe at health care town hall 2009

  • To begin to correct the damage caused by the Bushco criminals over the last 8 years; we a democratic president AND a large congresional majority.

    Obama Campaign Manager Promises Campaign Staff In All 50 States 2009

  • Document deception has been rampant in that agency per congresional testimony.

    OpEdNews - Diary: 81 year old black farmer arrested on terroristic threat allegations 2009

  • You can have some small effect on a policy point or a legislative matter, but it is exceptionally hard to control those things since the congresional process is so slow with lots of opportunities for professionals to re-insert their preferences in another bill.

    How the Edwards campaign blundered into hiring those bloggers. Ann Althouse 2007

  • Nothing good is going to be accomplished in Congress until we have publicly financed congresional campaigns.

    Archive 2006-06-01 2006

  • They had reported on the "freedom" fries and "freedom" toast at the house? congresional? cafeteria, and someone had sent in a response, which went something like this:

    readersguide Diary Entry readersguide 2003

  • We must utilize census 2010 and the 2010 election cycle to identify all congresional districts where we can make an impact, Let's Move.

    Indybay newswire Michael Harris 2010

  • Bettendorf's Senate District 41, whose controversial and never quiet tenure comes to an end: a narrow primary win over class act Maggie Tinsman, a squeaker general election in a safe GOP district, a severe congresional thumping at the hands of Bruce Braley, and now knocked off.

    John Deeth Blog 2010

  • An unlikely assortment of liberals and convervatives have found common cause in trying to knock Luis Guitierrez from his congresional seat.

    Chicago Reader 2010

  • BigUrn's title says that most black congresional candidates running this year are republicans.

    Propeller Most Popular Stories 2010


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