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  • Other governments, more squeamish about targeting distinct ethnic minorities or social groups, have tried to revive the "buffer theory"-that migrants return home when the economy contracts, freeing jobs for the native population and providing what some call a "conjunctural shock absorber".

    The Economist: Daily news and views 2011

  • Other governments, more squeamish about targeting distinct ethnic minorities or social groups, have tried to revive the "buffer theory"-that migrants return home when the economy contracts, freeing jobs for the native population and providing what some call a "conjunctural shock absorber".

    The Economist: Daily news and views 2011

  • Other governments, more squeamish about targeting distinct ethnic minorities or social groups, have tried to revive the "buffer theory"-that migrants return home when the economy contracts, freeing jobs for the native population and providing what some call a "conjunctural shock absorber".

    The Economist: Daily news and views 2011

  • Back in mid-December, at the government's so-called conjunctural summit, Deutsche Bank chairman Josef Ackermann proposed the creation of a "Bad Bank," because German banks continue to be burdened with hundreds of billions in worthless securities.

    LaRouche's Latest 2009

  • But no amount of rationalization or denial can hide the looming truth that the collapse of the newspapers is not coincidental, conjunctural, or containable.

    Don Tapscott: Macrowikinomics: Rebooting the Economy Don Tapscott 2010

  • But no amount of rationalization or denial can hide the looming truth that the collapse of the newspapers is not coincidental, conjunctural, or containable.

    Don Tapscott: Macrowikinomics: Rebooting the Economy Don Tapscott 2010

  • But no amount of rationalization or denial can hide the looming truth that the collapse of the newspapers is not coincidental, conjunctural, or containable.

    Don Tapscott: Macrowikinomics: Rebooting the Economy Don Tapscott 2010

  • But no amount of rationalization or denial can hide the looming truth that the collapse of the newspapers is not coincidental, conjunctural, or containable.

    Don Tapscott: Macrowikinomics: Rebooting the Economy Don Tapscott 2010

  • But no amount of rationalization or denial can hide the looming truth that the collapse of the newspapers is not coincidental, conjunctural, or containable.

    Don Tapscott: Macrowikinomics: Rebooting the Economy Don Tapscott 2010

  • But no amount of rationalization or denial can hide the looming truth that the collapse of the newspapers is not coincidental, conjunctural, or containable.

    Don Tapscott: Macrowikinomics: Rebooting the Economy Don Tapscott 2010


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