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  • The first letter to Mrs. Martin is an 'apologia pro connubio suo' in fullest detail; the others carry on the story from the point at which that leaves it.

    The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1 of 2) 1907

  • Blessed are we amongst the short-lived nations of the earth, or the long-lived either, to have had our national autonomy illustrated by such an official head in connubio.

    Recollections and reflections : an auto of half a century and more, 1906

  • He repudiated the reactionary tendencies of Menabrea and his Savoyards, even, he said ironically, at the risk of so great a misfortune as that of losing the weak support which they had lately bestowed on Government, Count de Revel retorted that the Ministry had divorced the Right and made a marriage (connubio) with the party which drove Charles Albert to his doom and to an exile's death in a foreign land.

    Cavour Martinengo-Cesaresco, Countess Evelyn 1898

  • The first letter to Mrs. Martin is an 'apologia pro connubio suo' in fullest detail; the others carry on the story from the point at which that leaves it.

    The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning Kenyon, Frederic G 1898

  • Quamvis ea sit hominis corruptio ut proclivis sit ad excogitandum argumenta, indebite illos quos Deus connubio junxit dissociandi; nihilominus tamen extra adulterium ac desertionem ita obstinatam, ut cui nullo remedio, nec ab Ecclesia nec a: [11249] 1

    The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches. 1889

  • I am a priest, madam, and can join you both in an instant, _connubio stabili_, as I suppose the knot has not been tied already. '

    The Romany Rye A Sequel to 'Lavengro' George Henry Borrow 1842

  • LANDONORUM stirpe oriundam, sibi connubio junctas habuit: e quibus prolem numerosam suscepit, in quia erudienda pecuniae vim maximam insumpsit.

    Robert Carter's obituaries and other records of his death, 1732 and later 1732

  • Nam qui saeculis omnino quindecim, non oppidam, non villam, non domum reperiunt imbutam doctrina sua, donec infelix monachus (Lutherus) incesto connubio votam Deo virginem funestasset; aut Helvetius gladiator (Zuinglius) in patriam coniurasset; aut stigmaticus perfuga (Calvinus) Genevam occupasset; ii coguntur Ecclesiam, si quam volent, in latebris venditare, et eos parentes asserere, quos nec ipsi noverint, neque mortalium quisquam aspexerit.

    Ten Reasons Proposed to His Adversaries for Disputation in the Name of the Faith and Presented to the Illustrious Members of Our Universities Edmund Campion 1560

  • [1829] proindeque quotquot religionem veram reformatamque profitentur, non debent Infidelibus, Papistis, aut aliis quibuscunque idololatris connubio sociari; neque sane debent qui pii sunt impari jugo copulari, conjugium cum illis contrahendo qui aut improbitate vitae sunt notabiles, aut damnabiles tuentur haereses.

    The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches. 1889

  • Quamvis ea sit hominis corruptio ut proclivis sit ad excogitandum argumenta, indebite illos quos Deus connubio junxit dissociandi; nihilominus tamen extra adulterium ac desertionem ita obstinatam, ut cui nullo remedio, nec ab Ecclesia nec a the Church or civil magistrate, is cause sufficient of dissolving the bond of marriage; [1843] wherein a public and orderly course of proceeding is to be observed; and the persons concerned in it, not left to their own wills and discretion in their own case.

    The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches. 1889


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