
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • abbreviation contents
  • abbreviation continent
  • abbreviation continued
  • abbreviation contraction


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  • Hence the excellence of the sense of touch in [cont. below] p. Secured from frost the Bee industrious dwells,

    Canto III 1803

  • Gulf War cont. impromptu end to fighting in, 212, 224–25

    How Wars end Gideon Rose 2010

  • United Kingdom cont. decline in number of newspapers in, 173

    The Tyranny of E-mail John Freeman 2009

  • Multiple sclerosis (MS) (cont.) not advisable if we have paralysis or restricted mobility, but recent studies have shown that it may help symptoms in early stages of MS.47 A, B, D, E

    OUR BODIES, OURSELVES The Boston Women’s Health Book Collective 2005

  • Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (cont.) may not be good for us if we have circulatory problems or greatly restricted mobility.

    OUR BODIES, OURSELVES The Boston Women’s Health Book Collective 2005

  • Brain and cognitive disabilities cont. medications increase the breakdown of contraceptive hormones in the body, making them less effective in preventing pregnancy.31 A, B, C, D, E

    OUR BODIES, OURSELVES The Boston Women’s Health Book Collective 2005

  • Spinal cord injury (SCI) (cont.) guard for signs of autonomic dysreflexia and uterine prolapse.52,53 Birth control pills are usually not advisable and should not be used if taking antihypertensive medication.54 A, B, C, D, E

    OUR BODIES, OURSELVES The Boston Women’s Health Book Collective 2005


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