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  • Today it is a civic as well as a ritual occasion, with municipal officials, reporters, and thousands of visitors flocking to Tehuacan to eat the famous mole de caderas, a stew made with the meaty hind quarters of the goat and flavored with local seasonal ingredients such as costeño chiles, avocado leaves and guajes, pods born of the tree of the same name (and for which the southern state of Oaxaca, bordering on the Mixteca Poblana, was named.)

    A yearly culinary ritual: La matanza 2005

  • Today it is a civic as well as a ritual occasion, with municipal officials, reporters, and thousands of visitors flocking to Tehuacan to eat the famous mole de caderas, a stew made with the meaty hind quarters of the goat and flavored with local seasonal ingredients such as costeño chiles, avocado leaves and guajes, pods born of the tree of the same name (and for which the southern state of Oaxaca, bordering on the Mixteca Poblana, was named.)

    A yearly culinary ritual: La matanza 2005

  • Today it is a civic as well as a ritual occasion, with municipal officials, reporters, and thousands of visitors flocking to Tehuacan to eat the famous mole de caderas, a stew made with the meaty hind quarters of the goat and flavored with local seasonal ingredients such as costeño chiles, avocado leaves and guajes, pods born of the tree of the same name (and for which the southern state of Oaxaca, bordering on the Mixteca Poblana, was named.)

    A yearly culinary ritual: La matanza 2005

  • AT&T ha anunciado esta semana un piloto para subvencionar portátiles ultraligeros de bajo coste asociados a un plan de consumo de [...]

    AT&T Offers a $50 Netbook and Bundled Broadband Package 2009

  • Con base en Luxemburgo, Skype tiene más de 405 millones de usuarios y su servicio de llamadas a bajo coste a través de Internet supone el 8% del total de llamadas internacionales en el mundo.

    Skype, Now the Largest Long-distance Phone Company 2009

  • Prehapz iffn u juss lukk at teh middlol ov teh souf coste.

    Ai ‘spoze ur wundrin why - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger? 2010

  • It costs a few hundred dollars per color matching -- at least that is what it coste us.

    Karen Robinovitz: Color Me Pretty! 2009

  • An example was the Lavasseur map in 1601, which labelled that area as the “coste de Cadie.”

    Champlain's Dream David Hackett Fischer 2008

  • An example was the Lavasseur map in 1601, which labelled that area as the “coste de Cadie.”

    Champlain's Dream David Hackett Fischer 2008

  • Yes, Ai on teh “rite” coste in usuably sunny SoCal obercassed todai

    you killed a man? I jus scratch sofa - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger? 2008


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