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  • noun a range of low hills in southwestern England


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  • This fine hotel in the heart of the cotswolds is a firm favourite with visitors to the area and has gained an enviable reputation for first class food and service.

    Latest hospitality news from CatererSearch 2009

  • This fine hotel in the heart of the cotswolds is a firm favourite with visitors to the area and has gained an enviable reputation for first class food and service.

    Latest hospitality news from CatererSearch 2009

  • This fine hotel in the heart of the cotswolds is a firm favourite with visitors to the area and has gained an enviable reputation for first class food and service.

    Latest hospitality news from CatererSearch 2009

  • You can download maps from the AONB, Cotswolds Tourism (01242 522878; and Oxfordshire Cotswolds (

    The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed 2011

  • If different hands take up the hobbit, there will be noticiable differences...the BAG END hobbit dwelling is key to both stories, and it will not be the same if the movie is shot in the cotswolds and cornwall, and the hebrides and alps...( although it would be closer to old proffesser T's personal experiances )

    Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion 2010

  • If different hands take up the hobbit, there will be noticiable differences...the BAG END hobbit dwelling is key to both stories, and it will not be the same if the movie is shot in the cotswolds and cornwall, and the hebrides and alps...( although it would be closer to old proffesser T's personal experiances )

    Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion 2010

  • Do not under any circumstances put yourself in any line of work that involves personal danger (read flashman for tips) that would completely fc*k the plan, finally at the 15 year point when you are RSM retire to the cotswolds, with a lifetime of memories, money in the bank, but remember through it all tell no one.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • Keep out Cloggie, we have enough English caravans blocking up the roads in the cotswolds, without a cloggie one full of chocolate sprinkles adding to it.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • Do not under any circumstances put yourself in any line of work that involves personal danger (read flashman for tips) that would completely fc*k the plan, finally at the 15 year point when you are RSM retire to the cotswolds, with a lifetime of memories, money in the bank, but remember through it all tell no one.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • If different hands take up the hobbit, there will be noticiable differences...the BAG END hobbit dwelling is key to both stories, and it will not be the same if the movie is shot in the cotswolds and cornwall, and the hebrides and alps...( although it would be closer to old proffesser T's personal experiances )

    Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion 2010


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