counterexamples love



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  • noun Plural form of counterexample.


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  • Utilitarianism does lend itself much more easily to the method of semantic analysis + counterexamples, which is popular in analytic philosophy, and I suspect that's the primary reason.

    Archive 2005-08-01 2005

  • Utilitarianism does lend itself much more easily to the method of semantic analysis + counterexamples, which is popular in analytic philosophy, and I suspect that's the primary reason.

    A Crude Attempt at Ethical Classification 2005

  • We "counterexamples" find it somewhat convincing because we see more than a Hobbesian, instrumentalist egoism there: we also see a neo-Aristotelian egoism.

    Libertarian Blog Place 2010

  • I found the alleged "counterexamples" to be remarkably trivial and non-substantive.

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] 2010

  • We "counterexamples" find it somewhat convincing because we see more than a Hobbesian, instrumentalist egoism there: we also see a neo-Aristotelian egoism.

    Libertarian Blog Place 2010

  • Indeed, the only person who seems to be convinced by these "counterexamples" is ASchlafly: the public (liberal and conservative) constantly disputes them on the talk page; the media openly mocks this page and hurts the public perception of CP's credibility; even some CP administrators, surely open-minded conservatives, disagree with these positions.

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] 2010

  • The "counterexamples" you posted were repeatedly brought up over the years by atheists, agnostics, and the generally dimwitted over the course of thousands of years; and these

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] 2010

  • Indeed, the only person who seems to be convinced by these "counterexamples" is ASchlafly: the public (liberal and conservative) constantly disputes them on the talk page; the media openly mocks this page and hurts the public perception of CP's credibility; even some CP administrators, surely open-minded conservatives, disagree with these positions.

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] 2010

  • Indeed, the only person who seems to be convinced by these "counterexamples" is ASchlafly: the public (liberal and conservative) constantly disputes them on the talk page; the media openly mocks this page and hurts the public perception of CP's credibility; even some CP administrators, surely open-minded conservatives, disagree with these positions.

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] 2010

  • I think this is too strong, and is surely vulnerable to a host of counterexamples.

    Matthew Yglesias » Bishops and Abortion 2010


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