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  • A long thin rope shot out, a loop settled gently about the shoulders of the Mayor of Wolf River, and a cowhorse stopped so abruptly that a cloud of alkali dust spurted up and settled in a grey powder over the clothing of the assembled passengers.

    The Texan A Story of the Cattle Country 1921

  • And the foreman disappeared in the dusk to return astride a big cowhorse.

    The Ridin' Kid from Powder River Henry Herbert Knibbs 1909

  • I'd rather ride a cowhorse than drive any car on earth.

    The Man Next Door Emerson Hough 1890

  • A good cowhorse is the only safe thing to go anywhere with, and anybody knows that.

    The Man Next Door Emerson Hough 1890

  • She likes to work (also a cowhorse-bred trait) and will work for anyone with the right skills, but it’s pretty much Trainer and me that she’ll put it out for (she was His Horse first, and now she’s mine).

    BOOK VIEW CAFE BLOG » Notes on the Fantasy Warhorse 2010


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